We pulled this great information from the GREAT blog at Chi Wulff – make sure to follow them!
Montana TU director Bruce Farthing offered his two cents (in the post comments) regarding the matter and we found the update so reassuring and sound that we’ve been meaning to repost it now for a few days and just haven’t gotten around to it. Here it is (edited only for paragraph breaks)….
You’ll be reassured a bit…appreciate the input Bruce.
People can calm down. The stream access law in Montana is NOT jeopardized by the Kennedy bridge access case.
Here are the facts: Kennedy intervened a number of years ago in litigation between the Public Lands and Water Access Association and Madison County. The case involved whether the easement across three bridges on the Ruby River on COUNTY roads in which Kennedy owned the land on either side allowed recreationists to slip into the river at the right-of-way. Madison County had a hard time making up its mind on the issue, and had not enforced the public’s ability to use a right-of-way for recreation when Kennedy constructed concentration camp fence work at the bridges (including hot wire).