
MFG supports Montanan’s for Healthy Rivers

MFG supports Montanan’s for Healthy Rivers

Supporting Healthy Rivers…

Montana Fly Fishing Guides, LLC. is committed to providing awareness, education, and information to our fellow anglers regarding our precious Montana fisheries.  As part of that commitment we are supporting the Montanan’s for Healthy Rivers organization (MHR).  The MHR is a coalition of citizens, sportsmen, businesses, and conservationists is working to conserve the last, best free-flowing rivers in Montana.  There are a number of threats to our local rivers including pipelines, oil and gas drilling, and streamside development to name a few.  As anglers, the health of our rivers directly determines the quality of our fisheries.  As dedicated anglers need to stay informed and active on all fronts to protect these fragile ecosystems.  The vast majority of Montanan’s support these efforts and we’ll try to keep all of our fellows out of state anglers updated as well.

The latest efforts of Montanan’s for Healthy Rivers, besides raising awareness, is asking the Fish & Wildlife Service for a better Bull Trout Plan.  While this doesn’t affect our local Livingston area river it is a needed management update to the overall health of the Montana fishery. If you’d like to learn more visit here.

Even if you don’t live in Montana you obviously enjoy our streams and fisheries so please join the MHR efforts by following them on Facebook, Twitter or stay up to date via the MHR website.  We encourage you to get involved with simply sharing this with your friends and taking the time to write in comments to our Montana legislators.  The fishing and river travel business in Montana brings in over $5 billion a year so our legislators certainly hear how those dollars effect us.

Eric Adams the owner of Montana Fly Fishing Guides, LLC is proud to be featured in the November 2014 Montana’s for Healthy Rivers Newsletter and as one of their supporting businesses on their website.