Here are just a few of our favorites…
You hear people say ‘crick’ instead of ‘creek’
- You’re not surprised to wake up to several inches of snow in ANY month of the year
- You leave your truck and house unlocked on a regular basis
- You can’t find a parking spot near the bar because of all the trucks with drift boats behind them
- No one is weirded out by firearms in a vehicle. Furthermore, the only comments you hear are, “how do you like that scope?”
- None of the locals are surprised to hear that another semi-truck blew over from the wind on the interstate
- The entire town shuts down for the July 4th parade
- You use your truck heater in the morning and air conditioner in the afternoon
- People you don’t know pass you on the street and say, “hello”
- In three weeks of straight fishing you’ve never fished the same piece of water twice
How do you know you’re in Livingston, Montana?